Privacy policy

Last Updated November 2023

This Privacy Notice (“Privacy Notice”) sets out how Peaches Womb Cancer Trust processes your personal data in connection with the Trust and the Peaches Womb Cancer Trust website at (the “Site”), and the provision of our advice, support and services (together “Services”).

1. Purpose of this privacy notice

This Privacy Notice explains our approach to any personal data that we might collect from you or which we have obtained about you from a third party and the purposes for which we process your personal data. This Privacy Notice also sets out your rights in respect of our processing of your personal data.

When we talk about “personal data”, we mean any information which relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Individuals might be identified by reference to a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier (such as an IP address) or to other factors that are specific to them, such as their physical appearance.

This Privacy Notice informs you of the nature of the personal data about you that is processed by us and how you can request that we delete it, update it, transfer it and/or provide you with access to it.

This Privacy Notice is intended to assist you in making informed decisions when using the Site and our Services. Please take a moment to read and understand it. It should be read in conjunction with our Cookie Policy.

2. About us

The Site and our Services are made available by Peaches Womb Cancer Trust (“Peaches”, “we”, “us, “our”). Peaches is the data controller responsible for your personal data.

Peaches Womb Cancer Trust (charity no: 1190440) is an English charitable trust with its registered office at Clarke Nicklin House, 4 Brooks Drive, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle SK8 3TD

3. How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or want to exercise your rights set out in this Privacy Notice, you can contact us by:

  • sending an email to [email protected]
    • writing to Peaches Womb Cancer Trust at Clarke Nicklin House, 4 Brooks Drive, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle SK8 3TD

4. How we collect and receive personal data

We collect and receive personal data using different methods:

Personal data you provide to us.

This could be if you ask us about our activities, register with us for an event, make a donation to us, ask a question about womb cancer, become a member of our patient and public involvement group (Peaches Patient Voices), purchase something, complete a survey providing feedback on our services, apply for a grant, apply for a job or volunteering opportunity or otherwise provide us with your personal information. This includes when you phone us, visit our website, make a purchase or get in touch through the post, or in person.

Personal data we collect using cookies and other similar technologies.

When you access and use our Site, we will collect certain technical information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns. We collect this personal data by using cookies and other similar technologies (see the “Special Category Data” section below).

We are required by law to treat certain categories of personal data with even more care than usual. These are called sensitive or special categories of personal data and different lawful bases apply to them. In the event that we collect and process any of your special category personal data, we will always make sure that we collect your explicit consent before doing so. However, in the event that any special category data is inadvertently shared with us during the course of our interactions with you, we will rely on our right as a not-for-profit body to process this data.

Our use of cookies and similar technologies ” section below).

Personal data received from third parties.

This could be if you provide a donation through a third party such as online donation platforms or one of the other third parties that we work with.

5. Who we collect personal data about

We collect and process personal data from the following people:

  • Site visitors
  • People affected by womb cancer
  • People that want to be members or seek assistance from Peaches Patient Voices members (including researchers)
  • Donors
  • Event/workshop attendees
  • Personnel that work for our partners and suppliers (including subcontractors)
  • Personal data we collect and how we use it

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

Fulfilment of our Services.

We collect and maintain personal data that you submit to us for the purpose of supplying Services to you. We may collect and process your personal data whether you are interacting with us on your own behalf or on behalf of any organisation you represent.

The personal data we process may include your name and contact information (such as email address, postal address and telephone number) and your payment information (if you are providing a donation).

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest or a third party’s legitimate interest to use personal data in such a way to ensure that we provide our Services in an effective, safe and efficient way.

Use of our Site.

We collect and maintain personal data that you submit to us during your use of our Site in the following ways

Registering and accessing your account.

Our Site enables you to register with us to receive a newsletter. We will ask all prospective applicants to complete the registration form, providing an email address, name and basic demographic information.

We will use your personal data to process your request for a newsletter. Once you are registered, we will also process your information so that we can administer your account and contact you about your account, if necessary.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest or a third party’s legitimate interest to use personal data in such a way to ensure that we provide the relevant Services requested by you and others in a secure and effective way.

Your contributions to our Site and content that you post.

If you write an article or blog for us or contribute in any other way to publications we send to our members and/or publish on our Site or in print, we may use your personal data (such as your name and the name of your organisation) to credit you for your contribution. If you provide photographs or other images in support of your article or blog, we may publish one or more of those images alongside your article or blog.

If you submit any other content to us, including via our Site, such as photographs, quotes or testimonials, we may process any personal data comprised within that content for the purposes of making available via our Site.

Our legal basis for processing

Where we use your content in connection with Services that we provide via our Site, it is in our legitimate interest to use any personal data that you provide to us to ensure that we provide the relevant Service in an effective way.

Linking to social media sites and interacting with our social media pages.

If you click on one of the social media links on our Site or otherwise interact with our social media pages such as on Facebook or Instagram (including interacting with any ‘like’ or similar embedded features on our Site or social media accounts) we and the relevant social media platform may receive information relating to such interaction and may share your personal data in connection with this purpose.

Please note that the relevant social media platform may also be a controller in respect of the personal data that is collected via your use of our social media pages and may use that personal data for additional purposes. For details of how the relevant social media platform uses your personal data, please see the privacy policy of the relevant social media platform.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest or a third party’s legitimate interest to use personal data in such a way to ensure that we provide the Site and our Services in an effective way and to promote our Site and our Services via social media.

Customer service and general enquiries.

When you make an enquiry, we will collect and process your name, contact information (including email address and/or telephone number) and any other personal data that is relevant to your enquiry. We use this information to manage and respond to your enquiry.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest to use your personal data in the ways described above to ensure that we are able to help you with your enquiry and provide a good standard of service to you.

Hosting and managing events.

From time to time, we may organise and host events for the purpose of providing support for people affected by womb cancer, sharing developments in research, seeking the views of people affected by womb cancer to support Peaches aims and fundraising to meet our charitable aims. We may process your name and contact information (including email address, postal address and telephone number) to communicate with you about such events where you have specifically requested information about such events or where we have another lawful basis for sending that information to you.

If you attend one of our events (either virtually or in person), we may use your personal data to record your attendance at the event and for related record-keeping purposes and, if relevant, we may collect and process any dietary requirements you may have.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest or a third party’s legitimate interest to use personal data in such a way to ensure that the event is operated in an effective way.

Marketing activities

We carry out the following marketing activities using your personal data:

Email marketing.

We use your name and email address to send you (or the organisation you represent) marketing communications by email. Our email marketing communications will include updates on fundraising activities, charitable events and how we are meeting our charitable aims, as well as general information about the Trust, our Site, the Services we provide and any events we are hosting.Our legal basis for processing

We will only send you marketing communications by email where you have consented to receive such communications, or where we have another lawful right to send such communications to you.

Receipt of services from suppliers.

If we have engaged you or the organisation you represent to provide us with products or services (for example, if you or the organisation you represent provide us with services such as IT support or financial advice), we will collect and process your personal data in order to manage our relationship with you or the organisation you represent, to receive products and services from you or the organisation you represent and, where relevant, to provide our Services to others.

The personal data we collect from you may include your name, job title, contact information (including email address, telephone number and postal address), bank account or other payment details and any other personal data you volunteer which is relevant to our relationship with you or the organisation you represent.

Our legal basis for processing

It is necessary for us to use your personal data to perform our obligations in accordance with any contract that we may have with you or it is in our legitimate interest to use personal data in such a way to ensure that we have an effective working relationship with you or the organisation you represent and are able to receive the services that you or your organisation provides, and provide our Services to others, in an effective way.

Business administration and legal compliance.

We use your personal data for the following business administration and legal compliance purposes:

  • to comply with our legal obligations;
  • to enforce our legal rights; and
  • to protect the rights of third parties.

Our legal basis for processing

Where we use your personal data in connection with our legal rights or to protect the rights of third parties, it is in our legitimate interest to do so. For all other purposes described in this section, we have a legal obligation to use your personal data to comply with any legal obligations imposed upon us such as a court order.

Any other purposes for which we wish to use your personal data that are not listed above, or any other changes we propose to make to the existing purposes, will be notified to you using the contact details we hold for you.

7. Special Category Data

We are required by law to treat certain categories of personal data with even more care than usual. These are called sensitive or special categories of personal data and different lawful bases apply to them. In the event that we collect and process any of your special category personal data, we will always make sure that we collect your explicit consent before doing so. However, in the event that any special category data is inadvertently shared with us during the course of our interactions with you, we will rely on our right as a not-for-profit body to process this data.

8. Our use of cookies and similar technologies

Our Site may use certain cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, log files and other technologies. Please see our Cookie Policy to find out more about the cookies and other similar technologies we use, the purposes for which we use them and how to manage, block or delete them.

9. Third party links and services

This Privacy Notice does not apply to your interaction with services provided by third parties.

Our Site may contain links to third party websites and services.

When you use a link to go from our Site to another website (even if you don’t leave our Site) or you request a service from a third party, this Privacy Notice shall not apply to the processing of your personal data carried out by the relevant third-party provider.

Your browsing and interactions on any other websites, or your dealings with any other third party service provider, is subject to that website’s or third party service provider’s own rules and policies. For example, our website invites you to connect with us on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. When you click on the links we provide to such platforms, you will be transferred from our website to the relevant platform and the privacy notice (and other terms and conditions) of that platform will apply to you.

We do not monitor, control or endorse the privacy practices of any third parties.

We encourage you to become familiar with the privacy practices of every website you visit or third-party service provider that you use in connection with your interaction with us and to contact them if you have any questions about their respective privacy notices and practices.

10. Sharing personal data

We will only share personal data with others when we are legally permitted to do so. When we share personal data with others, we put contractual arrangements and security mechanisms in place to protect the personal data shared and to comply with our data protection, confidentiality and security standards and obligations.

When processing your personal data, we may need to share it with third parties as follows:

Third-party organisations that provide applications/functionality, data processing or IT services

We share personal data with third parties who support us in providing our Services and help provide, run and manage our internal IT systems.

Payment providers and banks

We share personal data with third parties who assist us with the processing of donations.

Third-party email marketing and CRM specialists

We share personal data with specialist suppliers who assist us in managing our marketing database and sending out our email marketing communications and membership-related communications.

Auditors, lawyers, accountants and other professional advisers

We share personal data with professional services firms who advise and assist us in relation to the lawful and effective management of our Trust.

Law enforcement or other government and regulatory agencies and bodies

We share personal data with law enforcement or other government and regulatory agencies or other third parties as required by, and in accordance with, applicable law or regulation.

Third-party organisations that wish to be linked to Peaches Patient Voices members

We share personal data with researchers and other organisations wishing to integrate the voice of the patient into their activities.

This list is non-exhaustive and there may be circumstances where we need to share personal data with other third parties in order to operate our Site and provide our Services.

11. Transfers of personal data outside the United Kingdom

We will generally store and process your personal data within the UK. However, in the event that we do or are required to transfer your personal data outside of the UK or European Economic Area (“EEA”), we will always ensure that we have put in place appropriate measures and safeguards to ensure that your personal data is safe and protected and that any transfer complies with applicable data protection legislation.

12. How long we keep your personal data

In respect of personal data that we process in connection with our Services, we may retain your personal data for up to six years from the date we supply those relevant Services to you and in compliance with our data protection obligations. We may then destroy such files without further notice or liability.

In respect of any other personal data that we process, we will retain relevant personal data for up to three years from the date of our last interaction with you and in compliance with our data protect obligations. We may then destroy such files without further notice or liability.

If any personal data is only useful for a short period (e.g. for a specific event or marketing campaign), we will not retain it for longer than the period for which it is used by us.

If you have opted out of receiving marketing communications from us, we will need to retain certain personal data on a suppression list indefinitely so that we know not to send you further marketing communications in the future.

13. Confidentiality and security of your personal data

We are committed to keeping the personal data you provide to us secure and we will take reasonable precautions to protect your personal data from loss, misuse or alteration.

All our employees, volunteers and data processors (i.e., those who process your personal data on our behalf, for the purposes listed above) who have access to and are associated with the processing of personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of the personal data of all of those affected by womb cancer.

14. How to access your information and your other rights

You have the following rights in relation to the personal data we hold about you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the details set out in How to contact us.

Your right of access.

If you ask us, we will confirm whether we are processing your personal data and, if so, provide you with a copy of that personal data (along with certain other details). If you require additional copies, we may charge a reasonable fee for producing those additional copies.

Your right to rectification.

If the personal data we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you are entitled to have it rectified. If we have shared your personal data with others, we’ll let them know about the rectification where possible. If you ask us, where possible and lawful to do so, we will also tell you who we’ve shared your personal data with so that you can contact them directly.

Your right to erasure.

You can ask us to delete or remove your personal data in some circumstances, such as where we no longer need it or where you withdraw your consent (where applicable). If we have shared your personal data with others, we will let them know about the erasure where possible. If you ask us, where it is possible and lawful for us to do so, we will also tell you who we have shared your personal data with so that you can contact them directly.

Your right to restrict processing.

You can ask us to ‘block’ or suppress the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances such as where you contest the accuracy of that personal data or you object to us processing it for a particular purpose. This may not mean that we will stop storing your personal data but, where we do keep it, we will tell you if we remove any restriction that we have placed on your personal data to stop us processing it further. If we’ve shared your personal data with others, we’ll let them know about the restriction where it is possible for us to do so. If you ask us, where it is possible and lawful for us to do so, we’ll also tell you who we’ve shared your personal data with so that you can contact them directly.

Your right to data portability.

You have the right, in certain circumstances, to obtain personal data you have provided to us (in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format) and to reuse it elsewhere or to ask us to transfer it to a third party of your choice.

Your right to object.

You can ask us to stop processing your personal data, and we will do so, if we are:

  • relying on our own or someone else’s legitimate interest to process your personal data, except if we can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing; or
  • processing your personal data for the purposes direct marketing.

Your rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling.

You have the right not to be subject to a decision when it is based on automatic processing, including profiling, if it produces a legal effect or similarly significantly affects you, unless such profiling is necessary for the entering into, or the performance of, a contract between you and us.

Your right to withdraw consent.

If we rely on your consent (or explicit consent) as our legal basis for processing your personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. You can exercise your right of withdrawal by contacting us using our contact details in the “How to Contact Us” section above or by using any other opt-out mechanism we may provide, such as an unsubscribe link in an email.

Your right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

If you have a concern about any aspect of our privacy practices, including the way we have handled your personal data, please contact us using the contact details provided in the “How to Contact Us” section above. You can also report any issues or concerns to the Information Commissioner’s Office via their website (

15. Changes to this privacy notice

We may make changes to this Privacy Notice from time to time.

To ensure that you are always aware of how we use your personal data, we will update this Privacy Notice from time to time to reflect any changes or proposed changes to our use of your personal data. We may also make changes to comply with changes in applicable law or regulatory requirements.

We encourage you to review this Privacy Notice periodically to be informed of how we use your personal data.