Working towards a better life for everyone affected by womb cancer

We do this by raising awareness, supporting patients, funding and promoting research.

Womb cancer is the most common gynaecological cancer in the UK

At Peaches Womb Cancer Trust, our aim is to preserve the health and improve the experience of those with, or at risk of, womb cancer. Peaches Womb Cancer Trust was founded in September 2020 by a team of medical professionals who all have a particular interest in womb cancer and research.

Womb cancer, also known as endometrial and uterine cancer, affects approximately 9,700 people annually in the UK. Most diagnosed are over 50 years of age and have gone through the menopause, but womb cancer can affect younger women too.

When diagnosed at an early stage, womb cancer is often treatable: when diagnosed at early stages, 1 and 2, the survival rate is 92%. However, when the disease is diagnosed at later stages, 3 and 4, the survival rate reduces to 15%. Currently 1 in 5 women, or people with a womb, are diagnosed at advanced stages.

Latest figures show that the equivalent of 27 people every day are receiving a new womb cancer diagnosis and 7 people are dying from this disease every day in the UK.

Peaches want to change that and save lives.

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About Peaches Womb Cancer Trust

Raising awareness of womb cancer – the most common of women’s cancers

Peaches Womb Cancer Trust was founded in 2020 by a team of enthusiastic and dedicated researchers, doctors and nurses who work alongside Professor Emma Crosbie. Professor Crosbie has dedicated her career to developing early detection tests, cancer prevention and treatment strategies for endometrial (womb) cancer.

Peaches provides equality of services and care to everyone, regardless of people’s age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation.

About Peaches Trust

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